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You can also get in touch by post or by phone. Details below.
Get help now!
- Childline: 0800 1111
- Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
- Samaritans: 116 123
- South London Rape Crisis: 0808 802 9999
- Child Sexual Exploitation Helpline: 116 000
- Talk to Frank – Drug and Alcohol advice): 0300 123 6600
- PAPYRUS – Prevention of Young Suicide: Phone – 0800 68 4141 & Text: 07786 209697
Worried about a child?
- Merton MASH: 020 8545 4226
- Sutton Children’s First Contact Service (CFCS): 020 8770 6001
- Croydon Single Point of Contact (SPOC): 0208 255 2888
Out of hours: 0208 726 6400 - Wandsworth MASH and WSCP: 020 8871 6622
- Richmond and Kingston Single Point of Access (SPA): 020 8547 5008
- NHS Urgent Mental Health Support – 24/7 Crisis Lines: Merton, Sutton, Kingston, Richmond and Wandsworth: 0800 028 8000
- Croydon: 0800 731 2864
- NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
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