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Ethan Smith

Ethan is 18 years old, has Asperger’s Syndrome and has been working with Jigsaw4u since he was 13.
“Hi, my name is Ethan and I’m going to tell you about my experience with Jigsaw4u and enlighten how good of an organisation they are!
When I first met Jigsaw4u they were involved in advocating my views to Sutton Council. I became a looked after child at the age of 12 and was distressed with my situation at the time. Being taken away from your family is a hard thing to overcome so I’ll leave it at that. But when school was suffering and I was being bullied because of my situation, Jigsaw4u was there to support me.
I wanted to move school and my foster carers, as much as they aired my views and had my best interest, was never listened to. Foster carers in this borough have no power whatsoever. Jigsaw4u however, offered the advocacy service and that was one of the best things that happened to me.
I was given an advocate very quickly. When referred I was seen within 48 hours and was given the right advocate immediately. To be honest he took on more of a mentoring role with me and through him I was able to develop the social skills needed to survive at school and in everyday life.
I wanted to move schools so my advocate came to review and personal educational planning meetings to support me. Within 6 months I was at my new school.
The reason Jigsaw4u stands out is because they operate in an efficient and youth friendly manner making sure they get things done quickly and without the bureaucratic disruption that surrounds most other organisation. The fact they are independent means I can trust them.
The work Jigsaw4u does for me is amazing!”



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