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One of Jigsaw4u’s priorities is increasing awareness and tackling child exploitation. We’re working closely with Sutton Council to promote awareness of this important subject and help as many people as possible to learn how to spot the signs of child exploitation.

Jigsaw4u want to help Stop Child Exploitation, which can come in many forms. With our wealth of experience and vast knowledge on this subject, we are delivering in-house and external training and consultancy to help safeguard young people affected by child exploitation.

It’s estimated that 1 in 5 adults aged 18 to 74 experienced at least one form of child abuse before the age of 16 (The National Office for Statistics, 2020). Sadly, due to new methods by which vulnerable children and young people are exploited, it is believed that these numbers have grown since then. This is a worrying trend that needs to be stopped.

Sutton Council are asking young people and professionals to complete their survey about child exploitation. They have put on a series of activities for people to get involved in during Child Exploitation week (between 18 – 22 March), as well as compiling resources for those who would like to learn more.

We have recently released a mini-documentary called Finding Freedom, which follows the journey of a vulnerable young person who was criminally exploited and how Jigsaw4u helped them to overcome their challenges. You can watch it now on YouTube or below.

If you are a young person affected by criminal or child exploitation or if you are worried about a young person, please call ChildLine on 0800 1111.

For information on how Jigsaw4u protects young people from child exploitation, helps missing young people or supports young victims of crime, follow the links below.

Child Exploitation

Jigsaw4u’s professional care and partnership working has been essential in tackling the complexities of Child Exploitation across South West London.

Learn more

Missing Young People

Our Return Home Interviews and follow-up support helps children and young people who have been missing from home to overcome any other underlying issues.

Learn more

Young Victims of Crime

Tailored support interventions for young people who have experienced crime, helping them to overcome emotional trauma and increase their sense of safety.

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